-type represents universal quantification over a domain, encoding properties or functions that hold for all elements of a type. It is the type-theoretic analogue of logical and forms the basis for dependent function spaces (Π-types) when the body is a type family.

In this system, -types are used to define predicates, sets, measures, and logical statements, bridging classical analysis with type theory.


(-Formation). The universal quantification type is formed over a domain and a body or , representing "for all , holds."

type exp = | Forall of string * exp * exp (* ∀ (x : A), B(x) *)


(-Introduction). A term of type is introduced via a lambda abstraction , where for all .

let lam (x : string) (a : exp) (b : exp) : exp = Lam (x, a, b) (* λ x : A. b *)


(-Elimination). Given and , the application yields .

let apply (f : exp) (a : exp) : exp = App (f, a) (* f a *)


(-Computation). The β-rule states that applying a lambda abstraction reduces to substitution.

let reduce env ctx = function | App (Lam (x, _, body), arg) -> subst x arg body | _ -> ...


(-Uniqueness). The η-rule states that any function equals its eta-expanded form.

(* Implicit in type equality *) let equal env ctx f (Lam (x, a, App (f', Var x'))) = x = x' && equal env ctx f f'


(Predicate Logic). If holds and , then holds (modus ponens in type theory).

(Set Definition). Sets in this system are defined as -types with a propositional body, e.g., .

let set_a = Set (Lam ("x", Real, RealIneq (Gt, Var "x", Zero)))