-type defines Lebesgue integration over a measurable set with respect to a measure, yielding a real number. It generalizes Riemann integration and is pivotal in Schwartz’s theory of distributions.

In this system, leverages and to formalize integration, supporting both classical and constructive analysis.


(-Formation). Lebesgue integration is formed over a function , a measure , and a set , resulting in a real value.

type exp = | Lebesgue of exp * exp * exp (* ∫ f dμ over S *)


(-Introduction). An integral is introduced as , where is measurable, is a measure, and is in ’s -algebra.

let integral_term : exp = Lam ("f", Forall ("x", Real, Real), Lam ("a", Real, Lam ("b", Real, Lebesgue (Var "f", lebesgue_measure (Var "a") (Var "b"), interval_a_b (Var "a") (Var "b")))))


(-Elimination). The integral yields a real number, usable in inequalities or further computations.

satisfies properties like

let infer env ctx (Lebesgue (f, mu, s)) = Real


(-Computation). For simple cases (e.g., intervals), reduces via the measure, verifiable by Z3.

let reduce env ctx = function | Lebesgue (f, Mu (_, _, Lam ("S", _, body)), s) when equal env ctx f One -> subst "S" s body | _ -> ...


(-Uniqueness). The Lebesgue integral is unique for a given , , and , determined by the measure’s definition.

let equal env ctx (Lebesgue (f1, m1, s1)) (Lebesgue (f2, m2, s2)) = equal env ctx f1 f2 && equal env ctx m1 m2 && equal env ctx s1 s2


(Monotonicity). If on , then , assuming is non-negative.

(Dominated Convergence). For a sequence converging to with and , .

let dom_conv (fn : exp) (f : exp) (g : exp) (mu : exp) (s : exp) = And (Limit (Seq (Lam ("n", Nat, Lebesgue (App (fn, Var "n"), mu, s))), Infinity, Lebesgue (f, mu, s), True), Lebesgue (g, mu, s))